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8 Best Email Sales Tips: Hack Your Email Marketing Strategy

Learn the power of email marketing and the many ways to increase your conversion rates. This article presents the 8 best email sales tips you can use on your next campaign!1

Published on : 

June 17, 2024


Web developer and Product's lover

You can now discover millions, if not billions, of email sales suggestions online, but the volume of these tips does not always imply their usefulness or dependability. This article will show you some of the best email sales tips.

Why should I trust these email sales tips?

All of the tips in this post are data-driven and, thus, quite reliable. With these tactics, such as cold emails, you will book many more meetings and quickly accelerate sales in your pipeline.

Furthermore, when you utilize these tips, you will be on track to break all-time records maintained by your organization, making this article the best data-packed email sales tips you need.

With that in mind, let's get down to business and look at the best email sales tips to help you grow your business quickly.

Best Email Sales Tips #1: Avoid using ROI in your cold emails

The significance of statistics/data on email sales tips cannot be overstated; it is the foundation upon which everything is constructed. So what I'm about to tell you may seem counterintuitive. Including ROI terminology in your cold emails is a HUGE error because it results in a 15% drop in success rates.

It may seem strange to fight with facts and data, but when it comes to ROI, even if prospects believe your numbers are correct, they may not find them convincing enough to schedule a meeting with you.

You must first provide context for them, or else no amount of data will feel significant. Alternatively, highlight how your service solves a specific problem. This will appeal to their emotions, which are how people make judgments. That is how the human brain works. 

This is not to say that you should never utilize ROI terminology. The point is to avoid using it in cold email scenarios. Buyers make decisions based on their emotions (i.e., context), then justify those decisions with evidence such as ROI.

So, instead of mentioning ROI in your cold email, try this... (Next tip)

Best Email Sales Tips #2: Focus on them & not you

Your prospects aren't concerned with how terrific you are or how great your product is (at least, not yet). Do you know what they are concerned about? Themselves! This is not a criticism. We are all motivated by self-interest.

They are concerned with their company, its goals, and the obstacles that are impeding its progress. Instead of focusing on your product, focus on your prospect.

Here's how you can make it a habit:

  • You should remove as many "I" expressions as feasible.
  • Insert pronouns such as "you" and "your team."

Rather than saying this. "I'm contacting you because I believe our product will be a good fit and generate sales."

Try this, "Imagine if you knew every time there was a risk in your pipeline that was keeping you from getting transactions - and you could react instantly, saving pipeline and improving revenue."

Do you notice a difference? Yes!

Furthermore, you can also use Spylead to find emails and scrape data off Linkedin, Sales Navigator, Google maps, and Google SERP. The data you get can help you write custom emails that catch your prospect's attention.

Always pump the breaks if you find yourself listing features. Pull the emergency brake if you're about to ask them for time. If you prioritize yourself, you are unlikely to make a profit from your enterprise.

Best Email Sales Tips #3: Never ask for time when booking meetings with Cold emails  

You've probably thought about whether asking for time or a buyer's interest is a better CTA (call to action).

No longer be perplexed. We completed the task for you.

The Interest CTA is the most effective cold email call to action: Instead of requesting time, the interest CTA measures interest. This reflects a new and highly effective prospecting strategy: selling the discussion rather than the meeting.

Time is a limited resource, and the decision-makers you're aiming for are well aware of this. They wish they could have more of it. And they're hesitant to give it away, particularly to a stranger (you).

However, interest is not seen in the same manner. It is neither finite nor a resource. That is why merchants are more successful when they pique someone's interest rather than demanding upfront resources (such as time).

Set up the meeting once you've piqued their curiosity. A CRO buddy tried it and saw excellent results:

Best Email Sales Tips  #4: Concise emails work wonders

Did you know that 85% of smartphone owners access emails on their phones? Now that you know this, keep it in mind whenever you compose a sales email. You only have a few seconds to capture their attention and make your argument.

Before they read a single word, readers judge how much work it will take to absorb your content. The majority of vendors attempt to express everything in the first email. Avoid doing so.

Instead, you want to arouse people's interest and start a conversation. That entails focusing on what is most important and being precise about it. It takes longer because, as Mark Twain once quipped, "I didn't have time to write you a short letter, so I wrote you a lengthy one." 

However, concise emails are worthwhile.

Best Email Sales Tips #5: Use Emoticons 

According to observations, win rates are twice as high when emoticons are used. Note: This is a correlation, not a cause-and-effect relationship.

Emoticon usage is common in "warmer" sales talks, and they're not just for salespeople. Prospects utilize them twice as frequently. So, once you've figured out who you're dealing with, don't be hesitant to sprinkle some in your emails. And if your buyer begins emoticon-ing you (if such a word exists), it could be a good sign.

The email has a hidden superpower that few sales professionals are aware of, but if you keep reading, we'll reveal you in our following tip.

Best Email Sales Tips #6: Using Email Velocity to Forecast deals

Do you want to discover the best sign that your transaction is about to close?

- High email velocity. 

The amount of emails sent between buyers and sellers is measured by email velocity. It determines whether you are truly engaging in a two-way discussion with buyers. And it's the greatest method to know if a deal is on track to close:

(Warning: Email velocity is NOT the number of sales emails you send to prospects.) This is a case of correlation, not causation. However, winning trades have this quality, while failing deals do not.

This statistic is useful all year, but it becomes Olympic-level useful at the end of the month when you're looking over your forecast and wondering, "Will it close?"

When healthy transactions focus on a signature, they go from 8 emails every week to 11.5. Keep an eye out for what's hot and what could use some TLC. That is how you ascend to the podium.

Best Email Sales Tips #7: Move deals forward with Specific CTA

We discussed the necessity of leveraging interest to grab attention in a cold email before (in best email sales tip #3). You should, but there is a snag! When you enter the sales cycle, stop using it. Asking for interest once you're there isn't as effective as you would imagine.

Do you know what's working right now? The Certain CTA, in which you request a meeting on a specific day and time: You know they're interested at this point in the relationship, so you need a direct approach that gets right to the point.

Confirm a time and send out the calendar invitation before your buyer becomes distracted or changes their mind. You want to get them to "invite accepted" as soon as possible. The Specific CTA leaves no space for doubt. It's straightforward, which is why it works.

Best Email Sales Tips #8: Do not negotiate the price over email 

Many individuals fall for this, and you may have done so in the past and wondered why things didn't go as planned.

As a Closer, you can't help but email your pricing but never get caught doing so. That's a terrible move. "What's the difference between sending my pricing and negotiating?" you may wonder.

Here's how to tell the difference: The negotiating process begins when your customer asks for anything.

It is critical that you detect this signal since it changes the dynamic of the conversation. You should take prompt action when this occurs by shifting your conversation to phone or web conferencing.

Negotiating by email is a recipe for disaster. Buyers may disappear or stall you until the end of the month when you are at your most desperate. Furthermore, it is easier for them to play hardball via email.

Make them speak to you directly instead. As soon as you start bargaining, go to a win-win situation, such as a phone call or online conference meeting.


Making sales via email may be as simple as doing anything else nowadays if you know the appropriate strategies. This article contains all of the pieces you need to finish your puzzle and get moving. Pay close attention to them and rigorously follow them; you will be glad you did.
