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7 LinkedIn Growth Hacks: Strategies to Grow your LinkedIn in 2022

Use growth hack to develop your network and business opportunities with LinkedIn

Published on : 

June 17, 2024


Web developer and Product's lover

Growth hacking, also known as growth marketing, is a cost-effective digital marketing approach that helps you enhance your online presence, retain an active user base, sell products, and gain visibility. LinkedIn is a popular online marketplace for entrepreneurs, career professionals, and successful business people. Hence, it’s no coincidence that you are looking for LinkedIn growth hacks to grow your presence and influence on the app. 

LinkedIn is the place to be if you are a marketer, salesperson, or professional looking to connect with executives and other brand leaders who can write you a check. Many social marketing managers widely recommend various LinkedIn growth hacks as powerful techniques to reach more people and achieve more. This article will look at strategies you can employ for the best outcomes.

Below are the 7 strategies to grow your linkedIn in 2022

  1. Add rich media content to your profile
  2. Create content directly on LinkedIn
  3. Use the appropriate keywords
  4. Hack Your Competitor’s Audience on Linkedin
  5. Combine and Maximize other Social Media Platforms
  6. Hack Linkedin Weekly Limitation on Connection Requests
  7. Hack Linkedin Inmails Credit System

1. Add rich media content to your profile

The first marketing approach to keep in mind is CONTENT IS KING. Rich and quality content is a powerful and an effective way to interact with the right people and enhance your visibility on LinkedIn. It increases your chances of success compared to the competition and is certainly a LinkedIn growth hack to try. 

These media contents on your profile will highlight your experience and skills while making your profile stand out more than someone with only a wall of text. You should include rich media content such as blogs, videos, and case studies.

You can accomplish this in various ways, including adding content to your profile's Projects area or posting natively on LinkedIn. If you don't have your own content, you can share videos or completed tasks from your current or former employers related to what you've worked on.

2. Create content directly on LinkedIn

Like other social media sites, creating content directly on Linkedin is an excellent LinkedIn growth hack method. The LinkedIn algorithm prefers homegrown material. Instead of simply publishing a link to your YouTube videos or website blog, upload some of your content to LinkedIn directly. 

For example, publishing an essay on LinkedIn relates to providing rich media material to your profile while boosting the likelihood that you will remain on your contacts' radar.

write a post on LinkedIn

Check out the platform's trending news stories if you want content ideas. This may spark an idea you can submit natively to LinkedIn, even if it's just for a fast-reaction video. When sharing this type of content, use a few hashtags, and if you're lucky, a LinkedIn editor may add your content to the platform's trending news feed.

3. Use the appropriate keywords

"Keyword" is a term used to describe the words and phrases users type into search engines to find the information they seek. Keywords are vital since they inform search engines about your page's content.

LinkedIn can be used as a search engine where recruiters, brand marketers, CEOs, and other professionals can find people to work with by simply typing in a few keywords. These keywords are related to what they're looking for, such as "Quality assurance specialists," "content writers," or any other term that can lead them to qualified individuals.

Improve your LinkedIn profile, particularly the "About" section, to include keywords relating to why you want to be contacted so that others may find you. For example, the person with the profile below wants to be contacted for SEO writing. See how he uses the keyword.

Use appropriate keywords on LinkedIn

4. Hack Your Competitor’s Audience on Linkedin

Why bother launching from scratch when your competitors have already done the work? One of the most straightforward LinkedIn growth hacks is to steal your competitors' audiences on LinkedIn.

There are three approaches to gaining access to your competitor's Linkedin audience:

  • Take their followers from their company page.
  • Take their commentators and likers from their posts.
  • Take advantage of their LinkedIn event attendance.

These LinkedIn growth hacks are effective and straightforward to implement because you let your competitors do the work for you, and you can reap the benefits of their efforts. This, like everything else, should be done with caution.

5. Combine and Maximize other Social Media Platforms

Because you don't want to go for the hard sell after joining on LinkedIn, or worse, send a cold pitch to someone you found on LinkedIn, but never met, you can combine numerous social media networks instead.

It's acceptable for salespeople to build a database of prospects based on who they find or connect with on LinkedIn, but then take the time to engage with them on other platforms such as Twitter and Instagram to get to know them better.

For example, on Twitter, a prospect may express a more personal perspective than on LinkedIn, allowing you to respond naturally and create a more genuine relationship.

Alternatively, if you initially connect with someone on Instagram, connect with them on LinkedIn so that when the time comes to discuss business, you can do so in an atmosphere where that prospect feels at ease.

6. Hack Linkedin Weekly Limitation on Connection Requests

Linkedin has reduced the invitation limit from 100 per day to 100 per week. This adjustment significantly impacts LinkedIn prospectors because a LinkedIn account's prospecting capacity has been divided by seven. Hopefully, there are still some LinkedIn growth hacks you may apply to get around LinkedIn's weekly connection request limit. 

The most efficient method is to send connection requests via email. Spylead can help you with that. Spylead can scrape emails from LinkedIn, Google Search Results, and Google Maps. 

You can also learn how to increase your search limits on LinkedIn with Spylead.

7. Hack Linkedin Inmails Credit System

LinkedIn Inmail is a paid messaging service available to premium LinkedIn customers. They are premium messages that allow you to bypass the connection request process and land immediately in your prospect's inbox. Unfortunately, you do not have a limitless supply of them.

You have the following:

  • If you purchase Sales Navigator, you will receive 50 inmails every month.
  • When you buy Linkedin Premium, you will receive 10 inmails every month.
  • If you purchase Recruiter, you will receive 150 inmails per month.

But don't stress, you can hack the LinkedIn inmail credit system with the following methods:

  • Send messages to attendees of LinkedIn events.
  • You should send messages to Open Profiles.
  • Send messages to members of a LinkedIn group


Employing these LinkedIn growth hacks can help you get more out of LinkedIn naturally rather than trying to cold pitch prospects with whom you have no meaningful connection. You may boost your chances of building organic connections by using strategies like keyword optimization and native content sharing and spending a little more time initially to form deeper relationships can pay off much more in the long term.
